Is a Philippine national institution dedicated to provide information on the activities of volcanoes earthquakes and tsunamis as well as other specialized information and services primarily for the protection of life and property and in support of economic productivity and sustainable development. Is a Philippine national institution dedicated to provide information on the activities of volcanoes earthquakes and tsunamis as well as other specialized information and services primarily for the protection of life and property and in support of economic productivity and sustainable development.
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It is one of the service agencies of the Department of Science and Technology.
. フィリピンのルソン島北部でマグニチュード72の地震が発生した欧州地中海地震学センターEMSCが発表した 2022年7月27日 Sputnik 日本. It is one of the service agencies of the Department of Science and Technology. フィリピン北部を襲うマグニチュード71の強力な地震マニラで強く感じられた マニラ7月27日ロイター-水曜日にフィリピンのルソン島でマグニチュード71の強力な地震が発生し首都マニラを含む多くの地域で強い揺れが感じられたと米国地質調査.
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